The Revolution At Retail...Winning In A Rapidly Changing Business Environment
The retail and supplier industries are experiencing the most profound shift in history. Driven by rapidly changing shopper and consumer expectations, the resulting changes will impact both brands and the retail channels through which they are sold. Learn what it is going to take to survive
What’s in Store? Nothing Less Than Total Transformation.
Successful merchandising in the evolving retail environment demands an enterprise-wide transformation. To say that the world of retail is changing rapidly would be an understatement. But these changes are not just having the obvious impact on the physical store environment. Truth is, they ultimately will force product manufacturers to change just about every aspect of their go-to-market strategy. Learn what it takes to survive and thrive.
In 2007, Shopper Marketing seemed to leap almost fully formed into the industry vernacular. It was driven by the Deloitte/GMA Report “Capturing A Shoppers Mind Heart And Wallet”. In 2008, “Delivering The Promise Of Shopper Marketing” was a follow-up to the 2007 report. The documented shift in industry behavior in a single year was unprecedented for traditional FMCG marketers and retailers. According to the “Year II’ study, the number of respondents with “significant” Shopper Marketing Departments had increased by 500%. Respondents claimed the discipline was predicted to grow “at a higher rate than that for almost any other marketing tactic.” After a 10 year run, find out if it is now time for a reboot.
Is it too early to suggest that, perhaps, a little consistency is beginning to emerge from retail’s seemingly relentless recent changes? It’s risky to make an assumption like this given all the retail chaos. No one knows what news will break and be the next industry-changing moment. The market for consumer products is changing dramatically. Traditional players are responding as best they can and unexpected competitors keep emerging. Meanwhile, new channels, improved technology, and ever-dropping prices empower the real beneficiaries of change: the consumer. Understand what you need to do to survive and thrive.
Is It Time to Reset Your Shopper Marketing? Do you know if your investment in Shopper Marketing is working? Turns out, most people don’t.
In a survey, conducted by the Path to Purchase Institute, only 25% of consumer product marketers said that shopper marketing is delivering incremental sales growth for their companies. Meanwhile, 14% said it hasn't produced any significant growth — while the other 62% still haven't adequately measured the impact.
So, if your shopper marketing isn't working as well as you hoped, you don't have to feel bad because you're obviously not alone. Fortunately, there's no reason to lose hope either, because the solution to the problem is fairly simple: start paying closer attention to the store.
Retail disruption is here. In an omnichannel world, nimbleness is more important than scale. Are you ready?
Today's consumers don’t just want unlimited choice, they want customized, personalized products and experiences. The existing supply chain isn’t set up to handle delivery of "eaches," one unit at a time, directly to consumers. Learn about the future of supply chain mandatories.
The last industrial revolution lasted 80 years (1760–1840), and marked one of the major turning points in our collective past. Some economists say this is because the standard of living consistently improved for the first time in history. This period also saw dramatic shifts in the way we work. In 1800, 80% of Americans toiled on farms; today, less than 2%. Despite this shift today’s farm workers produce massively more per capita in much better conditions. Today, we are in the midst of another monumental shift: Industrial Revolution 2.0. This is being driven by the confluence of technology, culture, and climate change.
And, importantly, it’s not going to take 80 years this time around. Find out what you need to do to thrive and survive.
It's Time to Get Strategic: Future success with shoppers require business partners, not tactical executors
Given shifting retail requirements, it’s no longer enough for leading companies to find supplier partners that are skilled at delivering the right “product” be it creative (Advertising/Promotion) or materials at the right time to the right place. Fulfilling the exact product specifications, expertly executing the creative brief, doesn't suffice anymore. Those capabilities are table stakes. Learn what it takes to deliver partnerships that work.
THE TRIPPING POINT Have We Reached the Point Where OnLine Shopping & Purchase Eclipses Store Based Retail?
If you are honest, you would probably admit that one of your holiday wishes was to maintain the retail status quo. Black Friday would be still be defined by shoppers running into stores en-mass to avail themselves of the latest and greatest at amazingly low prices.
Unfortunately, this was not the case. So, the question must be posed, have we reached the “tripping point”?
The Path to Purchase is defined as “the route shoppers take from discovery of a product/need to actual purchase”. This is a major focus of the FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) industry. There’s an “Institute” and a “Magazine” dedicated to the Path to Purchase.
Many consultants have made millions building complicated algorithms and processes to understand this complex “journey”. When identifying the shopper journey, however, a critical component of the product journey – the Supply Chain – has been left to its own devices. What does the supply chain of tomorrow look like, and what do you need to do to fix your processes?